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Car sunroof maintenance steps

Release Time:2021-12-07 17:08:06      Hit Count:552

People who like to smoke use skylights more frequently. Do not completely open the skylights on bumpy roads. Otherwise, the vibration between the skylights and the sliding rails may cause deformation of related parts and even damage the motor. Many sunroof failures are caused by the user's human factors, such as manual sunroof locks or cranks accidentally twisted in the wrong direction, causing damage to the sunroof.

The sunroof is sealed by a rubber sealing ring to ensure that the sunroof is completely waterproof. Please be careful not to keep dust, sand and other debris in normal use, and clean it with a wet sponge at least once every two months. Regular maintenance with fine talcum powder can extend the service life of the sealing ring.

Lubrication For the sunroof installed later, if you want to ensure normal use and minimize the failure rate, you must ensure 4 points: qualified products, professional installation, correct use, and regular maintenance. Four procedures for sunroof maintenance: fully open the sunroof. Take a dry, soft cloth and wipe the dust on the sliding rail of the sunroof. Lubricate the movable part of the skylight and the transmission pipeline. Fully open and close the sunroof several times, and wipe off the excess lubricant with a soft cloth. When using lubricants, do not use agents that are easy to absorb or contaminate dust. This can prevent premature wear of the sliding parts and pipes during the movement, and other abnormal sunroof failures.